Bibliography of
German Science Fiction Stories and Books

Deutsche Version

There are many bibliographies out there in the net, but I didn't find a bibliography of SF stories published in German language, so I created one. The bibliography of the books is a logical by-product.

This bibliography already contains a very large part of published works, but it's also clear: It is still incomplete. I'm working on it. :-)

Listed are SF stories and SF books in German language, sorted by author, translator or publication date. Please send wishes, complaints, corrections to the author.

These bibliographies are restricted to:

  • Science Fiction and Fantasy (with some exceptions from other phantastic genres :-))
  • Books and Stories (short stories, poems, interviews, articles...)

In the table a bit below, the letters correlate with the surnames of the authors. Clicking a letter, a list of authors appears, followed by numbers. The bibliographies can be reached by clicking the numbers.

These are neither search nor sales lists!

I am a collector, I do not sell. :-)

But over time I got some duplicates. I offer them via booklooker.


  Authors Stories Articles Books Editors
  A   1248 3795 10253 3875 563
  B   3536 10216 9740 8669 1078
  C   1376 2615 1632 3948 128
  D   1549 3532 6366 3945 246
  E   913 2064 3868 2601 365
  F   1557 4315 6022 4466 492
  G   1937 4070 3474 4966 423
  H   2960 7183 10264 8626 1690
  I   209 445 855 474 50
  J   801 1188 803 1453 267
  K   2969 6231 10552 6324 1059
  L   1934 5005 4311 4309 401
  M   2984 6218 9420 7826 809
  Authors Stories Articles Books Editors
  N   816 2213 4025 1805 178
  O   519 579 2037 1065 55
  P   1597 3517 3578 3616 857
  Q   59 81 25 113 5
  R   2159 3964 7976 4924 812
  S   4891 11104 34686 11461 1420
  T   1126 2372 2779 3691 251
  U   183 357 1320 329 19
  V   656 2501 5130 2629 162
  W   2316 4604 4732 5534 463
  X   12 3 10 17 0
  Y   72 169 11 226 1
  Z   488 1067 1333 1273 172


gesamt Autoren Stories Artikel Bücher Hrsg.
38867 89408 145202 98165 11966

All lists as well as this page are Copyright © Christian Pree 1998 - 2024 and free for private, non-commercial use.


Lists by original language


About Science Fiction


Books published until 1945



Aliases: Multiple names for a person, but no intention to hide the identity of the person. For example, a name change due to marriage.
Any other occurence of multiple names for one person is listed as pseudonym.


Other lists





Eine Bibliography of German Science Fiction & Fantasy Pocket Books (sorted by publisher) by Michael Falkenstein.

Bibliography of (West)German F&SF Pulps by Jürgen Kerckhoff

Bibliography of SF loan books (a special publication format) by Michael Peters

Bibliography of secondary literature for Science Fiction and Fantasy by Thomas Sebesta

Welt der Fantasy: Nice page about Fantasy: Bibliographies, sorted by author, publisher, titles and series, searching, diect ordering via Amazon...

The Internet Speculative Fiction Database provides bibliographies of English and American authors.

The bibliography of Italian SF can be found at Thanks to Ernesto Vegetti for corrections and updates for Italian authors.

The bibliography of French SF can be found at

Ivo Gloss maintains a page with some special SF bibliographies, for example about non-existing SF books, and a chronological list:

Bibliographies and Publications about Science Fiction (main focus: DDR - German Democratic Republic) can be found on the page of Hans-Peter Neumann.

Pirandots page about SF-Awards (including references to German publications of award winners)

Oliver Faulhaber offers a lot of book reviews. Reviews, author portraits... Overview about awards for literature and authors Reviews (including a few written by me) provides News about SF, and also a newsletter I recommend to subscribe.

sf-Lit - Die Seite für Science Fiction-Literatur presents monthly a hint for interesting Science Fiction short stories, podcasts or websites .

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07.01.2024   Updates until 12/2023 (about 1100 new authors, 4500 books and 6000 stories/articles)
07.10.2022   Updates until 09/2022 (about 1700 new authors, 6500 books and 10000 stories/articles)
31.12.2021   Updates until 12/2021 (about 1000 new authors, 3600 books and 4800 stories/articles)
24.07.2021   Updates until 06/2021 (about 1500 new authors, 6500 books and 4600 stories/articles)
06.11.2020   Updates until 10/2020 (about 1000 new authors, 3600 books and 3100 stories/articles)
01.06.2020   Updates until 05/2020 (about 1900 new authors, 6900 books and 5900 stories/articles)
02.06.2019   Updates until 05/2019 (about 1200 new authors, 3900 books and 4500 stories/articles)
08.11.2018   Updates until 10/2018 (about 1500 new authors, 4600 books and 5000 stories/articles)
06.03.2018   Updates until 02/2018 (about 1000 new authors, 3200 books and 4000 stories/articles)
  Earlier Changes and Page History


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Created: 20.12.1998
Updated: 07.01.2024
© Christian Pree
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